How to upload your photos to the Olders Family website

Good news, people! You can now upload photos yourselves to the Olders family website, organize them into albums, add comments to other people’s photos, etc.

For Windows users, You have several options after you click „Add Items”: the tab „From Web Browser” allows you to upload individual photo files. If you have a bunch of photos to upload, try the „Windows XP” tab; you will see instructions on how to download a file to add to your registry. There is also the „Upload Applet” tab which downloads and runs a Java applet; the applet lets you drag and drop photo files.

For both Windows and Mac users you also have the option of uploading a zipped file of photos using this link: upload. Once your file has been uploaded, go to Gallery „add items” and to the tab „From Local Server”. Click on the directory /home/olders/, and then on the „Find Files” button. Good luck!

For Mac users, your best bet is to add a plugin module to iPhoto. Download the plugin, called iPhotoToGallery, by clicking on this link download. If it doesn’t automatically open to an installer, navigate to the zip file in your downloads folder, doubleclick on it to expand to iPhotoToGallery.pkg, double-click on that to install the plugin into iPhoto (normally located in your Applications folder).
Once the installation is completed, open iPhoto, select (or create) an album you want to upload to the website, and select „Export…” under the „File” menu. A dialog box will ask you to enter a Gallery URL; type in „” (without the quotes, of course!), then enter your username and password for Gallery. If you haven’t yet registered on gallery, go to and click on the „register” link in the upper right-hand corner. To prevent spam and insure your privacy, all requests to register go through an Administrator (me, for now) so this may take up to a day.
You can then select a particular gallery to upload your album to, or create a new gallery. For a new gallery, give it a title (you can always change it later), a short name (you can’t use spaces or punctuation for the short name except underlines and hyphens), and a description if you want; then click on the „Create New Album” button.
Finally, click on the Export button to begun the process. You will see a progress bar and a small image of the photo being uploaded.
There are a couple of other options you can use; try the „Upload Applet” tab, which downloads a Java applet into which you can drag & drop photos.

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